Weight Loss Tip – Get sufficient sleep to lose weight

If you want to lose weight, get enough sleep. Sleep is crucial for weight loss as it allows you to perform physical activities properly and improves metabolism. Sleep also significantly affects the hormones of your body that influence your appetite. When you do not get enough sleep, the
hormone, ghrehlin, can enhance your appetite leading to weight gain. It has also been observed that sleep-deprived people crave for sugary and junk foods and even experience tiredness, dizziness and lack of concentration.

Further, people who work for late night shifts or have irregular sleep patterns have been found more prone to obesity and diabetes. You can follow this weight loss diet by expert dietician.

Sleep for at least 7-8 hours in a day is a must as a proper sleep will make you feel energetic and put a check on cravings for high-calorie food, hence preventing you from being a victim of obesity. Avoid eating anything before going to bed as it may interfere with your sleep. Also avoid watching the television before sleep as you may face difficulty in getting sleeping.  Combining sleep with thirty minutes of exercise and a balanced diet can set you on the path of better health and slimmer waistline.

Source: the health site

7 tips to be more energetic

Do you feel drained out and completely exhausted during the day no matter what you do?

Sometimes, it’s just the simple lack of energy that could be causing exhaustion and the over-tired feeling. All you need to do to correct the problem and keep your energy levels high is follow these energy boosting tips.

7 tips to be more energetic

Never skip breakfast: Being the first meal of the day, breakfast is the key determinant of your overall energy level throughout the day. When you skip your breakfast, your body slows down your metabolism to conserve energy. And without any readily available source to derive energy from, the brain signals various energy-related processes to slow down, making you feel energy-deprived. Therefore, it is extremely important that you eat a heavy breakfast packed with carbohydrates and proteins.

Have a balanced diet: Having a heavy breakfast doesn’t mean you should skip your lunch or any other meal for the day. But you need to control portion size and type of food you eat. Apart from carbohydrates and proteins, ensure that you include a lot of fruits like bananas, apples and berries in your diet. In fact, there are a lot of energy boosting foods like eggs, whole cereals, oats and nuts that you cannot afford to miss out if you constantly keep feeling low on energy.

Exercise: Without boosting your metabolism with physical activity, no matter what you eat you’ll feel lethargic. Whether it’s an early morning jog or an evening stroll in the park, any form of physical activity is good for your health and can boost your energy.

Drink more water: Sometimes, not drinking enough water could make you feel drained out and even dizzy. Water is required by all metabolic reactions of the body. So if the cells do not get enough water, the brain will automatically not allow you to be energetic. It is suggested that 7-10 glasses of water must be consumed by everyone. But, your water requirement will vary depending on your daily physical activity.

Don’t be stressed: Stress has the ability to lower both physical and mental energy, so lowering stress is the most crucial strategy you need to implement if you want elevated energy levels. Deep breathing, listening to good music, watching a good movie or meditating are some good ways to de-stress that you can try.

Cut down the vices: Alcohol and cigarettes might rev up your mood and energy levels for a short period of time but that state will not persist forever and it will instead make you feel even more energy-deprived the next day. So, quit smoking and drink moderately, if you cant avoid it completely.

Surround yourself with cheerful people: We all know that negative emotions like anger, jealousy, fear and frustration just adds up to stress, blocking the positive energy flow. But what we forget is that just as there are people around us who bring our energies down, there are people who can help us regain them. Instead, we just cut ourselves from people who actually boost our energy. So the next time you’re feeling tired and exhausted, meet your friends, plan a short trip with them or just talk to them, and you’ll feel much better.

Source: the health site

The Same 10 Weight Loss Mistakes All Women Make

The biggest weight loss mistakes
by Alyssa ShafferDropping pounds boils down to a simple-sounding formula: burn more calories than you take in; eat less and move more. But anybody who has ever cut calories and ramped up an exercise plan in an effort to slim down knows it’s a lot harder than it sounds. All dieters inevitably make mistakes along the way—and most of the time they don’t even realize it. Here are the 10 flubs that everyone makes when they’re trying to shed fat.

The Same 10 Weight Loss Mistakes All Women Make

OD’ing on protein
“Protein is important, but if you have too much, the excess gets stored as fat,” says Felicia Stoler, RD. “And high-protein shakes and bars tend to be sugary and fatty.” Women need about 46 grams a day, per the CDC.

Skimping on veggies
Many of us fall short of the recommended 2.5 cups daily, Stoler says. A no-brainer: Work some into every meal, whether it’s sliced tomato on your morning toast or spinach on your turkey sandwich.

Having just a big glass of juice for breakfast
“Most juice raises blood sugar, so your body produces more insulin. You’ll get hungry and overeat later,” says Louis Aronne, MD. Get in protein and fiber, such as eggs and whole-grain toast.

Overestimating weight-loss rate
Most people shed a lot of pounds in the first couple of weeks of a program, a combo of carbs and water. It’s an artificially high drop, so don’t get discouraged when progress peters out.

Slacking on shut-eye
“Appetite and hunger hormones are greatly influenced by how much sleep you get,” says Pamela Peeke, MD. “Skimp and you’re more likely to eat everything that’s not tacked down.”

Considering workouts license to binge
One recent study in Marketing Letters found that people who were told a one-mile walk was for exercise ate about twice as much afterward as those informed the outing was for fun.

Underestimating how much time you have
Some weeks, finding that extra half hour to slip in a workout isn’t easy—why it’s good to have a backup plan. “Even a 10-minute cardio video on YouTube can keep you on track,” Stoler says

Always doing the same routine
“You can’t perform the same exercises over and over and expect the same benefits,” Stoler says. To get better results, follow the FIT principle: Vary the frequency, intensity or time.

Ignoring weights
Women who are getting started on an exercise program often think they should stick with just cardio, Stoler notes—but you need strength training to keep your metabolism revved up.

Giving in to your energy drain
A top excuse for not exercising: “I’m too tired.” Fake yourself out, urges Holly Wyatt, MD: “Say you’ll walk for only 10 minutes and you’ll likely go longer. Exercise energizes you!”

Source: Health

Top 8 health benefits of drumsticks

Top 8 health benefits of drumsticks

Drumsticks are obtained from the Moringa oleifera plant and are well-known for their myriad therapeutic qualities. Called as shajan in Hindi, this green vegetable is loaded with valuable minerals, healthy proteins and essential minerals. A must-have ingredient in sambar, one can harness the health benefits of drumstick by cooking it with other vegetables, lentils (dals) or as juice or soup. Here are the top eight reasons why you should include drumsticks in your diet.

It builds strong bones

Drumsticks contain high amounts of calcium, iron and vitamins that help in strengthening bones. When consumed either in the form of a juice or with milk on a regular basis, it is found to raise the bone density and enhance bone health in kids. Read more about 7 surprising foods for healthy bones.

It purifies blood

The leaves and pods of this green vegetable posses blood purifying properties and it also acts as a potent antibiotic agent. The regular consumption of drumsticks, either in the form of soups or juices, reduces acne and other related skin problems.

It lowers blood sugar levels

Drumstick leaves significantly reduce the blood glucose levels in the body and help in controlling diabetes. It is also found to enhance gall bladder function, which in turn helps to lower sugar levels, helping you live a healthier life

It eases respiratory problems

In case you suffer from a sore throat, a cough or congestion, drink a cup of drumstick soup as its anti-inflammatory properties help in relieving a wide range of respiratory complications. It acts as an effective natural remedy to fight against lung diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis.

It is good for pregnant women

It is recommended that women should eat drumsticks during pregnancy as it helps in delivery and also eases pre and post delivery complications. The presence of essential vitamins and minerals in this vegetable reduces the sluggishness of the uterus along with boosting the milk production after delivery.

It protects against infections

The leaves and flowers of drumstick contain antibacterial agents that help in preventing a wide range of infections related to the throat and skin. It also contains high levels of vitamin C which boosts the immune activity and helps in eliminating the harmful free radicals from the body.

It helps in digestion

Drumstick leaves and pods are loaded with B complex vitamins (such as niacin, riboflavin, folic acid and pyridoxine), which are said to play a vital role in digestion. These vitamins regulate the digestive process by helping in the breakdown of complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats into their simpler forms

It enhances sexual health

The presence of good amounts of zinc in drumsticks is found to enhance the process of spermatogenesis along with playing a key role in female sterility. The bark of this plant is found to contain certain compounds that help in curing impotency, premature ejaculation and thinness of semen.
Source: the health site

Older age women must exercise to reduce death risk: Study

Older age women must exercise to reduce death risk

The benefits of regular physical activity extends far beyond weight management as research shows that prescribing exercise as treatment to older women helps reduce the risk of death in them.

Loss of muscle mass in the body is inevitable with age, and one of the major causes of muscle loss is sedentary lifestyle. According to the American Association of Retired Persons, after the age of 50 seniors lose muscle mass at the rate of about half a pound per year, especially if they don’t exercise. Older people achieve significant health benefits from physical activity.

Researchers at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia, found that along with the conventional treatments for physical and mental health, moderate to high intensity tailored exercise program is needed to lower the risk of death in older women above the age of 50 years.

The study led by Professor Anderson and QUT’s Charlotte Seib, reviewed the five years of research that looked at the impact of exercise on the mental and physical health in women above the age of 50 years.

“Studies clearly show moderate to vigorous intensity activity can have mental and physical health benefits, particularly when part of broader positive health changes,” Professor Anderson said. “When once we thought that 30 minutes of mild exercise a day was enough to improve health, research is now telling us that older women should be doing at least 30-45 minutes five times a week of moderate to high intensity exercise and by that we mean exercise that leaves you huffing and puffing.”

The exercise program must be tailored to ensure that it is a high intensity activity needed to obtain the positive sustained effects of exercise.
The study clearly revealed that the high intensity exercise over a sedentary lifestyle significantly lowers the risk of death.

Older adults who adhere to regular physical activity also experience less disability, enhanced physical function irrespective of the body mass. The women who are most active are more likely to survive than those who are least physically active.

“We have an ageing population and as a result promoting healthy ageing has become an important strategy for reducing morbidity and mortality,” said Professor Anderson. “The research also linked exercise to improvements in mental well-being.” As high intensity exercise not just boosts physical health, but also brain health.

Researchers noticed that older women were capable of undertaking a range of activities that is beyond simple walking. The study highlights that mid-to-later in life women are seen jogging, running, hiking, swimming and riding.

Hence, the healthcare professionals should develop exercise programs that are home-based and easy to follow as part of everyday activities.

Source: science world report


Early Fitness Can Improve the Middle-Age Brain


The more physically active you are at age 25, the better your thinking tends to be when you reach middle age, according to a large-scale new study. Encouragingly, the findings also suggest that if you negligently neglected to exercise when young, you can start now and still improve the health of your brain.

Those of us past age 40 are generally familiar with those first glimmerings of forgetfulness and muddled thinking. We can’t easily recall people’s names, certain words, or where we left the car keys. “It’s what we scientists call having a C.R.S. problem,” said David R. Jacobs, a professor of public health at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and a co-author of the new study. “You can’t remember stuff.”

But these slight, midlife declines in thinking skills strike some people later or less severely than others, and scientists have not known why. Genetics almost certainly play a role, most researchers agree. Yet the contribution of lifestyle, and in particular of exercise habits, has been unclear.

So recently, Dr. Jacobs and colleagues from universities in the United States and overseas turned to a large trove of data collected over several decades for the Cardia study. The study, whose name is short for Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults, began in the mid-1980s with the recruitment of thousands of men and women then ages 18 to 30 who underwent health testing to determine their cholesterol levels, blood pressure and other measures. Many of the volunteers also completed a treadmill run to exhaustion, during which they strode at an increasingly brisk pace until they could go no farther. The average time to exhaustion among these young adults was 10 minutes, meaning that most were moderately but not tremendously fit.

Twenty-five years later, several thousand of the original volunteers, now ages 43 to 54, were asked to repeat their treadmill run. Most quit much sooner now, with their running times generally lasting seven minutes or less, although a few ran longer in middle age than they had as relative youngsters.

Then, the volunteers completed a battery of cognitive tests intended to measure their memory and executive function, which is the ability to make speedy, accurate judgments and decisions. The volunteers had to remember lists of words and distinguish colors from texts, so that when, for example, the word “yellow” flashed onto a screen in green ink, they would note the color, not the word. (The participants did not undergo similar memory tests in their 20s.)

The results, published last month in Neurology, are both notable and sobering. Those volunteers who had been the most fit as young adults, who had managed to run for more than 10 minutes before quitting, generally performed best on the cognitive tests in middle age. For every additional minute that someone had been able to run as a young adult, he or she could usually remember about one additional word from the lists and make one fewer mistake in distinguishing colors and texts.

That difference in performance, obviously, is slight, but represents about a year’s worth of difference in what most scientists would consider normal brain aging, Dr. Jacobs said. So the 50-year-old who could remember one word more than his age-matched fellows would be presumed to have the brain of a 49-year-old, a bonus that potentially could be magnified later, Dr. Jacobs added. “In other studies, every additional word that someone remembered on the memory test in middle age was associated with nearly a 20 percent decrease in the risk of developing dementia” in old age, he said.

In essence, the findings suggest that the ability to think well in middle age depends to a surprisingly large degree on your lifestyle as a young adult. “It looks like the roots of cognitive decline go back decades,” Dr. Jacobs said.

Which would be a bummer for anyone who spent his or her early adulthood in happy, heedless physical sloth, if the scientists hadn’t also found that those few of their volunteers who had improved their aerobic fitness in the intervening years now performed better on the cognitive tests than those whose fitness had remained about the same or declined. “It’s a cliché, but it really is never too late to start exercising,” Dr. Jacobs said, if you wish to sharpen your thinking skills.

This study did not examine why exercise may increase brainpower. But, Dr. Jacobs said, other studies, including some that have used the same data from the Cardia study, suggest that out-of-shape young people have poor cholesterol profiles and other markers of cardiovascular health that, over time, may contribute to the development of plaques in the blood vessels leading to the brain, eventually impeding blood flow to the brain and impairing its ability to function.

“The lesson is that people need to be moving throughout their lives,” Dr. Jacobs said.

Source: New York Times

Outdoor exercise becoming popular

The gym appears to be giving way to outdoor exercises. Research shows that one in three women are shunning working out at the gym.

In an effort to workout in fresh air, 56 percent of health enthusiasts said they would definitely not be returning to the gym, femalefirst.co.uk reports.

The increasing popularity of functional workouts, boot camps and small group personal training sessions has fuelled the growth in the number of outdoor exercise options.

Being cheaper is also one of the main reasons women have decided to ditch the gym. But they also admitted that they feel more comfortable exercising in a less confined space with people watching.

Source: business standard

Will seeing red help you lose weight?

Previously, scientists found diners at a pasta buffet heaped the marinara on if they used white plates, but took smaller helpings if their plates were red. They did the opposite when the pasta had a white sauce. So researchers thought the key to eating less might be sharp color contrasts.

But the new study, published in the journal Appetite this month, indicates it’s not contrast, but one specific color — red — that causes people to cut back on what they consume. The research tested how much food or hand cream people used when the product was placed on a red, white or blue plate.

“We wanted to find out if the effect was limited to eating or generalized to other types of consumption. The cream was a convenient way to evaluate another sensory system — touch, rather than taste,” said study author Nicola Bruno, cognitive psychology researcher at the University of Parma, Italy.

The study
In the new study, volunteers rated the saltiness of popcorn, nuttiness of chocolate and stickiness of hand cream.

Each person received a pre-measured sample of a product on a plate that was one of three colors — red, white or blue. The volunteers munched and moisturized as much as they liked while they filled out their answers. Of the 240 participants, 90 taste-tested popcorn, and 75 each sampled the chocolate chips and hand cream.

Each survey also included a question to check how much testers liked the product, since this may have triggered them to eat or use more. After the experiments, researchers measured how much the testers had consumed.

The authors also measured differences in the color intensity and contrasts of foods, cream and plates. Data in hand, they tested whether differences in people’s consumption correlated with differences in color contrast.

On average, people ate less popcorn and chocolate when they were served on red plates compared to blue or white plates.

Not surprisingly, self-reported popcorn fans ate more than those who expressed no preference for it on the survey. However, these people consumed more kernels independent of plate color. When researchers corrected for people’s preferences in their statistical analysis, eating off red plates was still associated with lower consumption.
Use of the moisturizing cream followed a similar trend. When testing hand cream on red plates, people used about half as much, on average, compared to cream on blue or white plates.

Contrast had little to do with these results, said Bruno. Though dark chocolate on a red plate offered less contrast than pale colored popcorn or cream, people still took fewer chocolate chips.

“I expected to find the results related to differences in color intensity, but they did not. It’s really related to the color red compared to the food and cream colors,” he said.

The study supports the idea that the color red reduces consumption, according to Oliver Genschow, who studies consumer psychology at the University of Mannheim.
But don’t run out and buy those red plates as a holiday gift just yet. In all the research so far, participants were unaware of the real reason for the tests, implying an unconscious process may be at work.

“We don’t know what will happen if people are conscious of their plate’s color. Maybe it won’t work anymore,” Genschow said.

He says color may be an additional factor to consider when treating patients with certain eating disorders, but it’s premature to suggest everyone trying to lose weight should simply switch to red plates.

Source: cnn news

Weight loss pill turns into balloon when swallowed

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A new pill that mimics the stomach-restricting nature of weight-loss surgery is helping some patients shed pounds in early trials, British researchers claim.

The pill, called the Obalon balloon, is a capsule containing an a balloon. After a patient swallows the pill, surgeons inflate the balloon inside to make them feel full and eat less.

The device is not permanent though, and needs to be removed after about three months.

“This balloon will act to educate them about portion size and retrain their brain and their mindset a little,” Dr. Sally Norton, a bariatric surgeon at Spire Hospital. Her hospital offers the procedure.

The pill capsule is attached to a tube that can be inflated. Once the capsule hits the stomach, the balloon gets released. A doctor can use an X-ray to find where the balloon is and inflate it with gas through the tube. After, the doctor pulls the tube out through the patient’s mouth, leaving the balloon floating in the stomach.

Up to three balloons are introduced to the stomach over the 12-week period, with placement depending on patient’s fullness and weight loss progress, according to the product website. This fills the stomach, in turn making the patient feel more full.

The device’s makers claim overweight and obese patients can lose up to 20 pounds in three months.

The treatment is not currently approved in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration and is not covered through the U.K.’s National Health Service (NHS). Patients in the U.K. can pay more than $3,300 if they want to get the treatment. A two-balloon procedure may cost about $5,000, according to Van Marsh.image 22

However, experts are not convinced the treatment will be a cure-all for obesity, given the balloons have to be deflated and removed after the 12 weeks are over.

“When they take the balloons out, what happens is the stomach hasn’t shrunk,” Tim Bean, a U.K.-based fitness expert. “So you’re left with the same size stomach, or possibly even bigger than there was beforehand.”

Other medical options for weight loss, like the four types of bariatric surgeries, can be more invasive. Some patients undergo the Lap-band procedure. The band is an adjustable ring that wraps around the upper portion of the stomach. It can be inflated by doctors by placing a small needle into a reservoir and filling it with liquid. The more liquid, the tighter the band gets, which makes the stomach smaller and in turn limits food intake.

Other procedures include the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the most common surgery, where a doctor staples a portion of the stomach together to create a smaller pouch to limit how much food a person could eat.

There’s also the less common form of bypass called a biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch, where a large portion of the stomach is removed and the remaining pouch is attached to the last segment of the small intestine.

Another procedure known as a vertical sleeve gastrectomy can also be undertaken. Patients have most of their stomach removed, and the remaining portions are joined by staples, leaving a small tube-shaped stomach that fills up quickly.

Source: cbs news

How to Create Your Own Home Gym

After acquiring equipment for my home gym in recent months, I realized how easy and inexpensive it can be. Depending on how much space you have and how much money you have to spend, you can create the perfect at-home gym just for you! Here are a few tips on how to make your home gym a reality.

1. Decide how much space you are willing to commit to your home gym.

2. Think about what your favorite pieces are (free weights/bands/balls/etc.).

3. If you are looking for a big ticket item go on Craigslist for your local area. I got my $1200 weight machine for $200! So many people buy big ticket workout items with the high hopes of using them all the time, but they really just end up as an expensive coat rack. Eventually people want to sell these items quickly to make space in their homes. You can often score a great deal! Make sure to barter with them when you get there as well, since most people are willing to negotiate.

4. If you have a friend or family member with an item that they don’t use, ask if they would be willing to sell it to you or let you borrow it for a while. Most people would love to have the space back and would be happy to have someone they love get some good use out of their equipment:) There are a couple of big ticket items flowing throughout various family members’ homes at the moment. Whoever will use them gets them and we can swap when needed.

5. For the smaller items such as weights/balls/bands/workout videos, check out garage sales/used sporting goods stores/thrift stores, or even sports stores that are having blowout type sales. I am not a huge garage sale person, but I know that you can get some screaming deals from people just looking to get rid of stuff. Often these items have never been used. I know I have sold unused items at one of my garage sales just to get rid of them.

6. Swap with your friends. If you have a video or a piece of equipment that you don’t use or haven’t in a while, maybe your friend does too and you can swap for a period of time. You can borrow her pilates video and she can borrow your workout bands. Everyone has some sort of equipment in their house that is being unused. Why not swap it for something new to you?!

7. When people ask for gift ideas for birthday/Christmas etc. ask for that piece of equipment you have had your eye on. Or ask for gift cards for sports stores that carry your coveted items:)

8. Lastly, make your home gym easily accessible. Don’t make it so hard to get to your equipment that you won’t want to bother with it. Don’t throw everything in a corner so that you have to lift 20 things to get to the one item you really want. Create an organized and easy to access space that invites you to come on over and work out:)

So, are you ready to create your own home gym? What is the first thing you are going to look for? Do you have any other tips for someone looking to create a home gym?
Have a great day and happy running!

Source: Livin the sweat life