Google examines employees’ snacking habits to promote healthier alternatives

Google realized that its workers were eating too much of the free candies and food which needed to be replaced with healthier alternatives at arm`s reach.

Google realized that its workers were eating too much of the free candies and food which needed to be replaced with healthier alternatives at arm`s reach.

The company conducted surveys of snacking patterns through the M and M project, collected data on the proximity of M and M bins to any given employee and conducted experiments by placing sugary foods in opaque containers and healthier snacks in glass jars.

According to the Washington Post, the search giant is known to analyze every corner of its workplace to ensure more productivity and better results.

However, some analysts question whether the free meals, napping stations and inexpensive massages make people stay in the office longer, perpetuating a work-obsessed culture that has eaten into family life and community.
While others said that with such experiments Google is trying to signal that it cares about it employees` health and its efforts are welcomed by the new employees.

Other than the candy munching habit, Google also tried to promote drinking more water by placing bottled water on eye-level shelves and behind clear glass while putting sugary sodas on the bottom shelves of refrigerators and behind frosted glass which resulted in 47 percent increase in water consumption after several weeks, reducing the sugary intake by 7 percent


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