What proteins should you eating?

Our body is made up mostly of protein that is constantly being broken down, so it’s vital to replace it by eating high protein foods that are lean, low fat or fat free

Poultry: Chicken or turkey is great choices – just skip legs and thighs and go with skinless breasts.

Beef: Lean cuts include round steaks and roasts, top loin and sirloin, chuck shoulder and arm roasts, and extra lean ground beef.

Pork: For flavor and leanness go with pork loin, tenderloin, center loin cuts.

Eggs: The yolk holds about 80 percent of an egg’s calories. Stick to just the whites and you can eat more. Two whole eggs have 150 calories and 10g fat versus 10 egg whites which have 140 calories and zero fat.

Fish: Canned salmon and tuna are convenient protein choices; of the two salmon is higher in omega 3’s and calcium.

Nuts: A single serving of nuts is about 1.5 ounces; the number of nuts you get depends on  the nut you choose:  Pistachios 47-49; Almonds 20-24; Cashews 16-18; Walnuts 10-14 halves; Macadamias 10-12; Brazil nuts 6-8.

Tofu: This low-fat, low-calorie protein is super-versatile because it absorbs flavors easily. Go with tofu steeped in a low-calorie, low-sodium marinade and stir-fry with your favorite vegetables.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/09/03/what-proteins-should-be-eating/#ixzz2du2ry5Ns