Best Herbs for Women

Best Herbs for Women

Have you heard of Shatavari?

One of the Best Herbs for Women!!!

Shatavari ( Asparagus racemosus ) is a climbing plant, grows up to a height of two meters. This plant is popular across Sri Lanka, India and the Himalayas.

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It is best known for the beneficial actions for female organs.

It is used for treatment of loss of libido and infertility – stimulates the production of healthy ova.
It is very good in pregnancy – relieves morning sickness and during the period of breastfeeding stimulates normal lactation.

Maintains balance hormones and regulate ovulation and menstruation. It relieves premenstrual symptoms – pain, bloating, irritability.

Also is used for the treatment of vaginal infections.

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Apart from this, helps at:

  • – rejuvenation and detoxification of cells and organs,
  • – respiratory diseases,
  • – stress reduction,
  • – problems with digestion and stomach,
  • – helps at pain from sciatica or arthritis.

Source: secretly healthy