Five surprising health benefits of cauliflower

It’s a well-known fact that the more colorful a vegetable is, the more healthy it’s likely to be. After all, color indicates the presence of carotenoids, which are the antioxidants that give most vegetables their greatest benefits. Consequently, many of us assume that bland-looking vegetables, such as regular white cauliflower, are lacking in the health department.

Five surprising health benefits of cauliflower

Sadly, it is true that cauliflower lacks certain nutrients, such as chlorophyll, that are present in most other vegetables because their leaves shield them from the sun during growth. Despite this drawback, there is still a lot to love about cauliflowers. In fact, when cooked properly (e.g., boiled, steamed or sauteed), cauliflower contains higher concentrations of certain essential nutrients than many other whole foods.

Five health benefits of cauliflower

Rich in cancer-fighting phytochemicals — Cauliflower contains large quantities of sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which are two phytochemicals with proven cancer-fighting properties. Sulfurophane is a sulfur compound which, according to a study published in Carcinogenesis in December 2008, can decrease the rate of chemically-induced mammary tumors in animals. I3C has also been shown to prevent cancer by increasing the body’s production of enzymes that flush carcinogens and toxins out of the body before they can harm cells. I3C also contains anti-tumor agents and is a proven anti-inflammatory that could help treat painful conditions, such as arthritis, sprains and period pains.

Boosts kidney and cardiovascular health — A study published in the American Journal of Hypertension in February 2012 discovered that sulforaphane could also normalize kidney function and significantly reduce blood pressure. The researchers attributed this benefit to sulfuraphane’s ability to improve DNA methylation, which is needed to maintain gene expression and cellular function. Given the scope of this benefit, eating more sulforaphane-rich foods, such as cauliflower, might contain many other health benefits not yet proven by science.

Digestive support — One cup of boiled cauliflower contains 12% of our recommended daily allowance (RDA) of fiber, which sweeps our digestive system of accumulated waste. It is also rich in the natural compound glucoraphanin, which appears to be found exclusively in broccoli and cauliflower. Glucoraphanin is actually the precursor to the aforementioned sulforaphane and contains numerous digestive benefits. In fact, a 2009 study featured in Cancer Prevention Research showed that glucoraphanin-sourced sulforaphane had a protective effect on the stomach lining and is especially effective at guarding us from the destructive bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which can increase our risk of stomach ulcers and cancer.

A good source of vitamin C — One cup of boiled cauliflower also contains almost 100% of our RDA of the West’s favorite nutrient: vitamin C. According to the World’s Healthiest Foods website, this amount is more vitamin C per weight than most other fruits and vegetables, including certain leafy green vegetables. (4) An essential antioxidant, vitamin C, helps protect us from the cell-destroying effects of free radicals, while also helps us to produce collagen and manufacture certain neurotransmitters. Without it, we would literally fall apart.

High in brain-boosting choline — Like broccoli, cauliflower is a fantastic natural source of the B vitamin choline. Choline is a precursor to the important neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and an increased choline intake is regularly linked to improved cognitive function, particularly among fetuses. For example, a 2010 study published in NIH Research Matters showed that the fetuses of pregnant women who suffered from a choline deficiency experienced reduced blood vessel growth in the brain. (5) Another study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that pregnant rats fed choline supplements gave birth to pups that enjoyed lifelong memory enhancements

Source: natural news

Prevent development of heart disease and cancer by eating cauliflower

Prevent development of heart disease and cancer by eating cauliflower

Delicious and nutritious vegetables that are easy to prepare in different ways and there’s a market almost throughout the year.

Head (rose, lump) cauliflower, depending on the variety and growing conditions, it can be bigger or smaller, less firm and compact, usually ribbed and grained, cream to yellow. It contains a lot of water (about 90%), and most of the nutrients have carbohydrates (4.9%), protein (2.4%), and some fat (0.2%), and no cholesterol.

There’s a lot of fiber. 100 g of raw cauliflower provide 23 calories and 10 calories cooked. Most of the vitamin is vitamin C (70 mg), and some of thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), and some vitamin A. Contains some of the most prevalent minerals as potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Cauliflower is vitamin food, as far as the content of vitamin C, as 100 g cauliflower contains more vitamin C than the RDA for this vitamin, briefly boiled cauliflower and still has about 55 mg of vitamin D, which is equal daily requirement of a healthy person . It can be eaten raw in salads (which keeps the maximum vitamin C), and if you cook it, it is best to briefly steaming which largely preserves beneficial substances that contain cauliflower.


  • -Prevent development of heart disease and cancer by eating cauliflower
  • -Reducing the risk of cancer, particularly cancer of the colon and stomach.
  • -According to research by the American Cancer Society for the fight against cancer, cauliflower and other vegetables from the family of cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, kale, radishes), rich in vitamins A and C and fiber, may reduce the risk of cancers of the digestive and respiratory organs and the prostate. Cauliflower is even ranked highly on the list of the patron of cancer, according to estimations of experts from different countries. Scientists believe that the ingredients of cauliflower as indole and others, stimulate natural defenses and detoxification of the body, allowing it to neutralize or prevent carcinogenic substances that attack the tissue and turn it into a carcinogen. Since contains something carotene and chlorophyll, has some effect on the prevention of lung cancer, which are particularly exposed to smokers.

cauliflower 3

Protects against breast cancer
Cauliflower has estrogen activity – affects the levels of estrogen,female hormone, which plays a major role in the development of hormone dependent breast cancer. Women who regularly consume cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli) have a lower risk of developing breast cancer.

There are studies that show that eating large amounts of cauliflower may help reduce fibrocystic breast changes. Acceleration of the metabolism of estrogen affect its removal from the body and prevents the growth of nodules.

Purifies the body
Content of a large number of antioxidants released organisms from harmful substances (detoxification) caused by bad food and the effects of harmful substances from the environment

Prevent development of cancer by eating cauliflower
It is rich in antioxidants that prevent cell mutations that can lead to cancer. Particularly examined the effect on colon cancer. Due to the content of dietary fiber reduces the effect of carcinogenic substances, antioxidants and other anticancer substances (especially indole) reduces cell proliferation and the formation of polyps that lead to colon cancer. By eating cauliflower can prevent the onset of polyps and cancer.

Reduces cholesterol
A good source of soluble fiber, which reduces cholesterol absorption and its level in the blood. Reduces atherosclerosis, decrease the risk of heart disease, primarily heart disease and stroke.

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Other medicinal properties
Reduces damage to nerve cells and regular intake reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. It is beneficial in a number of inflammatory diseases, rheumatism and asthma. It contains a lot of potassium and if consumed without salt effect on blood pressure.

There is plenty of calcium and bone strength gives. Favorable ratio of phosphorus and calcium, with low sodium to calcium absorption and preventing osteoporosis. It has a low calorific value, and long to digest and is recommended for people who want to lose weight.

Prolonged cooking destroys some pharmaceutical properties of cauliflower. Eat it raw, partially cooked or stored in a microwave oven. Cauliflower can exacerbate the symptoms of Crohn’s disease patients.

Source: secretly healthy