Amazing 10 health benefits of bottle gourd


Bottle gourd name comes because of its shape. It contains mostly 92% of water. So many are not interested to eat the recipes, curries prepared with this vegetable. It is the one of the ignored vegetable in the Indian cooking. In India it is also called as lauki, Kadhu etc.

Health benefits of bottle gourd

1. Bottle gourd contains the 92% water and the remaining is easily digestible fiber. So it is the easily digestive food.

2. The glucose and sugar related compounds are nearly nil in the bottle gourd. So it the one of the food option for the diabetic patients.

3. This bottle gourd is the one of the body heat control food. It keeps your body temperature at normal level.

4. Bottle gourd juice is widely used for the weight loss. Take the fresh bottle gourd and peel the skin of the veggie and make the bottle gourd into small pieces. Take those pieces into juicer and make them as juice. Filter the juice from the waste. This bottle gourd juice helps to reduce the weight.

5. Bottle gourd helps to reduce the blood sugar levels. Take the bottle gourd in the daily diet or to make the habit of drinking the bottle gourd juice daily helps a lot to the diabetic patients.

6. It helps reduce the inflammations in the liver and kidneys.

7. This bottle gourd juice is also helpful in treating the diarrhea. Take the bottle gourd juice with the pinch of the salt heals the diarrhea.

8. Better food for the persons those who are suffering with the constipation. The water and fiber in the bottle gourd make the digestive system free and active and relive from the constipation.

9. Sesame oil mixed with the bottle gourd in the equal amounts and applied to hair and scalp in before going to bed helps for the good sleep. It is one of the remedy for the insomnia.

10. Bottle gourd helps to treat the urinary tract infection. Take the fresh bottle gourd juice and squeeze the fresh lime in that juice mix the both take it internally. Best remedy for the urinary infections.

Source: beauty health tips