Most of the Indians have the habit of Betel leaves


Most of the Indians have the habit of eating paan. Paan is an Indian mouth sweetener which is prepared with betel leaves. The betel leaves are used since the ancient times tracing back to 2000 years ago.

 It has been mentioned in the most ancient historic book of Sri Lanka, the Mahavasma. In India, betel leaves as well as nuts are offered to guests as courtesy. You might be surprised to know that the heart-shaped, smooth, shining and long-stalked betel leaves have numerous health benefits.

 Since ancient times, betel leaves has been used as an aromatic stimulant and anti-flatulent. Apart from being served as a mouth freshener, betel leaf is also used as an aphrodisiac. There are many health benefits of betel leaves which also makes it good for pregnant women. If lactating mothers apply betel leaves, it increases the production of milk in breastfeeding mothers.

Betel leaves are also good for oral health. It reduces mouth odour, whitens teeth and reduces bleeding. Here are few amazing health benefits of betel leaves that are worth knowing. Next time when you plan to freshen up your mouth, have betel leaves. Just make sure you eat it in a healthy way. Do not mix it with flavorings and nuts.
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