5 Early signs you have a calcium deficiency

Calcium is widely found in the human body. While bones and teeth are home to 99 percent of the body’s calcium levels, remaining 1 percent circulates in the blood, muscles, and cell fluid.

Although the mineral’s key role is of maintaining bone health, it is also important for maintaining heart rhythm and muscle function. Calcium deficiency can impair the blood to clot properly and damages nerve impulses.

A balanced diet helps maintain the body’s calcium levels. One can also take calcium supplements to ensure we get the adequate amount of the mineral.

If one suffers from calcium deficiency, the most common symptoms experienced are:

Early signs

• Muscle Cramping Muscle cramping is believed to the first sign of calcium deficiency. These cramps usually occur at night and especially afflict the legs.

• Dry Skin and Brittle Nails Calcium deficiency causes the skin type to become dry. The nails of both fingers and toes become brittle, and thus can break easily.

• Yellowing of Teeth As calcium plays an important role in teeth health, its deficiency can cause the teeth to turn yellow.

• Increased PMS Symptoms Women suffering from calcium deficiency experience severe abdominal cramping during menstrual cycles. Calcium deficiency also alters her menstrual flow and taking additional calcium in diet helps ease these symptoms.

• Bone Fractures or Breakage Lack of calcium could also lead to high risk of osteoporosis or weakening of bones. Women who lack sufficient calcium in their bodies are at high risk of suffering from bone fractures. If early signs of calcium deficiency are missed and the condition is left untreated it may lead to chronic calcium deficiency. The symptoms include Memory loss, Muscle spasms,  Numbness and tingling in the hands, feet, and face, Depression

Source: mashable


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