Tips for Healthy Eyes

Fortify your vision – Be sure you are getting enough antioxidants like vitamin A, C, and E. Lutein and omega-3 fatty acids are now in studies to determine the effects they have in slowing age-related macular degeneration. And studies show, the average diet includes only a fraction of the nutrients recommended for healthy vision.

Get exercise – It improves blood circulation, which improves oxygen levels to the eyes and the removal of toxins.

Eat healthy – High-fat diets can cause deposits that constrict blood flow in the arteries. The eyes are especially sensitive to this, given the small size of the blood vessels that feed them.

Stop smoking – Smoking limits the blood flow to the eyes and increases oxidative stress.
Protect your eyes – Always wear eye protection that filters out as much UV light as possible. Also, wearing a hat with a brim will greatly reduce the amount of UV radiation slipping around the side of your sunglasses.

See your eye care professional regularly — Changes in your vision can occur without you noticing, and the earlier these changes are detected the better your treatment options.

Source: Bausch