7 ‘women’s‘ diseases men should watch out for


Due to variations in genes, anatomy, and hormone levels, some diseases conflict women some-more mostly than men, and vice-versa. However, meditative of diseases that women are some-more disposed to as “women’s diseases” can leave group exposed to critical health problems.

Here are 7 supposed “women’s diseases” that can also strike men. If we knowledge symptoms, don’t let your gender stop we from removing treatment.

1. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis reduces a firmness of bone, creation it some-more exposed to fractures. One in 3 women are during risk, though so are one in 5 men. Women knowledge fast bone detriment following menopause, though by 65 to 70 years old, group remove bone mass during about a same rate.

Kidney and thyroid problems, vitamin D deficiency, and lengthened bearing to steroids, cancer therapies, and anti-convulsants put we some-more during risk. You might not have symptoms, so ask your alloy for a bone firmness test.

2. Breast Cancer
Women get breast cancer some-more mostly than group since they have some-more breast tissue. Although usually about one percent of all breast cancers impact men, investigate shows that occurrence is on a rise. Men frequency mind a warning signs, so a cancer is authorised to develop. Therefore, group typically don’t tarry as prolonged as women once a diagnosis is finally made.

If you’re over 50, of African-American descent, or obese, you’re some-more during risk. Watch for any surprising lumps or skin abnormalities in a chest.

3. Thyroid Problems
The thyroid is a tiny gland that rests in a center of a reduce neck, where it produces hormones to control metabolism. If it produces too much, hyperthyroidism results. Symptoms include:

  • fatigue
  • weight gain
  • forgetfulness
  • dry, counterfeit skin and hair

If a thyroid doesn’t furnish adequate hormones, hypothyroidism results. Symptoms include:

  • irritability
  • muscle weakness
  • sleep disturbances

Women are 5 to 8 times some-more expected to have some form of thyroid illness than men, though group can still be affected.

4. Eating Disorders
As some-more group feel a vigour to be skinny and demeanour good, some-more are descending plant to eating disorders. Only 10 to 15 percent of people with anorexia or bulimia are male, though a effects can be equally devastating. Men also are reduction expected to find treatment, withdrawal them some-more during risk for complications such as:

  • heart problems
  • bone loss
  • organ failure
  • death

Athletes, portly boys, group with gender issues, and those who are concerned or have captious personalities are some-more during risk.

5. Bladder Infections
Bladder infections are most some-more common in women, though group can get them, too— quite group with an lengthened prostate, kidney stones, or an aberrant squeezing of a urethra. Treatment involves antibiotics and is typically really effective, though group need to be wakeful of a symptoms.

They include:

  • frequent urination
  • cloudy urine or bloody urine
  • a clever titillate to urinate
  • a blazing or rawness prodigy during urination
  • low-grade fever

6. Depression
Women are dual times some-more expected than group to be diagnosed with depression, though that might be since their symptoms are different. Women might feel unhappy and cry some-more often, since group are some-more expected to uncover anger, irritation, frustration, and discouragement.

Men might spin to drugs or alcohol, or rivet in unsure behavior. They are also some-more expected to finish self-murder if they try it. Because of these differences, many group go undiagnosed. Without treatment, basin is expected to worsen.

7. Lupus
About 90 percent of those diagnosed with lupus are women, though this autoimmune commotion can also strike men. Symptoms include:

  • joint flourishing and pain
  • muscle weakness
  • extreme fatigue
  • unexplained fever
  • hair loss
  • leg swelling
  • eye puffiness
  • mouth sores
  • swollen glands
  • butterfly-shaped red unreasonable opposite a overpass of a nose and cheeks

The illness is treated likewise in both genders. Your alloy might disremember it since it is singular in men. If we have symptoms, ask for testing.

Always Check with Your Doctor
Studies uncover that group are reduction expected than women to demeanour after their health. They’re 25 percent reduction expected to have visited their alloy in a past year, and roughly 40 percent some-more expected to have skipped endorsed health screenings. They’re also 1.5 times some-more expected to die from heart disease, cancer, and respiratory diseases, and they die an normal of 5 years progressing than women.

If you’re not feeling right, check with your doctor. By removing a treatments we need, we can kick a odds.

Source: Health Medcine Network


Avoid Confusing Thyroid Symptoms With Menopause

Many middle-aged women experiencing menopausal-like symptoms may be experiencing thyroid-related problems. They are often difficult to tell apart but lab tests may help with the diagnosis.

Millions of women with menopausal-like symptoms may be suffering from undiagnosed thyroid disease. These non-specific symptoms consist of fatigue, depression, mood swings, weight gain, irregular menstrual periods, and sleep disturbances.

These are frequently associated with menopause, especially when they occur in women who are in their 40s.

However, only one out of four of these women who have described these menopause-like symptoms with a physician are actually tested for thyroid disease.

Perimenopausal Symptoms

It is common for women in their late 40s to their early 50s to expect the symptoms of menopause. This perimenopausal stage is the period when the signs and symptoms of menopause have not stabilized. Menopause is defined as the complete cessation of menstrual periods and loss of fertility. Before this occurs, a woman may undergo a long transition stage, called perimenopause, which may start as early as their mid-30s, although most women experiences changes in their mid to late 40s. This transition period may last for five to ten years, during which, one may undergo these signs and symptoms:

Irregular menstrual periods
Longer or shorter periods
Heavy menstrual flow or spotting
Absent periods
Menstrual cramping
Breast tenderness
Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, which consists of fatigue, irritability, food cravings, and depression
Sleep problems

Hot flushes alternating with intermittent coldness

Weight gain

Menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life that begins with a gradual decline in estrogen levels and ends with cessation of menses and with the ovaries failing to release eggs.

Symptoms related to these hormonal changes may come and go, some days being better than others are, especially during the long perimenopausal stage. For some women, undergoing these changes may be very challenging and they may feel that these are unnatural or perhaps related to some other health condition. They may seek medical consultation for vague symptoms, for which they may not get satisfactory treatment.

However, the diagnosis of menopause is usually made retrospectively, since it is established only a year after menses disappear.

Source: steady health