Ginger – The Amazing Healing Herb

Ginger is a very good antioxidant and has anti-bacterial, antiseptic, sedative and antipyretic effect. Fresh ginger submerged in warm water, deeply penetrates the tissue, brakes down and melts accumulated mucus, initiate circulation, relieves pain, inflammation and swellings, accelerates detoxification it is very useful in the case of muscle inflammation and chronic back pain.

Ginger – The Amazing Healing Herb

Melts fatty deposits

This healing root speeds up the muscle metabolism, lowers cholesterol, helps in secretion of saliva and ingested food starch, reduces bloating and constipation, all of which contributes to weight loss.
If you want to loose weight fast, add to yo meals fresh or dried ginger or drink tea made from this beneficial root.

Improves mental capacities

Ginger relieves headaches and contribute to a better brain function. If it in any way we use it during the day, we will be fresher and will have more strength and energy, and if in the evening we eat hot vegetable soup with an addition of ginger, we will provide our self a good rest and sleep.

Lowers Stress

Ginger is rich in antioxidant, which helps in harmful chemicals removal, that our body produces when we are under worries, and thus affects the reduction of psychological stress. During this depression treatment it also impairs and the digestion process followed by occurrence of nausea, for which ginger is the ideal cure for these problems too.

Fights against colds and flu

If you regularly use ginger, you can easily prevent and fight the flu or colds, as well as the potential complications from these diseases. Ginger will strengthen our immune system, facilitate breathing and relieve headaches. It encourages sweating, so that`s why it`s excellent for lowering high body temperatures.

Cures Arthritis

Since ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, it is highly effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthiritis, osteoarthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal and connective tissue. Some studies show that in the case of arthritis, ginger is even more effective than other conventional drugs and medications.

Cure for cold hands and feet

Herb ginger is a powerful tool for engaging of the circulatory system.
If you suffer from cold hands and feet you should drink tea from this medicinal herb.

Source: only pure nature

7 quick ways to cure nausea

Method 1 of 7: Common sources of nausea

7 quick ways to cure nausea

1. Find the source of your nausea.
If you have frequent bouts of nausea, keep a journal for a couple weeks, and see if you can find any common factors.

Nausea can be a side effect of certain food allergies. When you become nauseated, think about what you ate in the past 8 to 12 hours.

Lactose intolerance. If you’re one of those who can’t digest dairy products or feel nauseous after consuming them, you may be lactose-intolerant. It’s not the end of world. There are medications that will help you digest lactose if taken before meals, as well as special lactose-free milks and dairy products. Goat’s milk, unfortunately also contains lactose, so it isn’t a good substitute.

Motion sickness. Some people get sick riding on planes, boats, or in cars. This can be prevented by over-the-counter medications. Dramamine works great, and it’s about $5 USD at drug store.

Excess alcohol. If alcohol is the cause of your nausea (meaning you’re hungover), Alka-Seltzer in the morning works great. Also be sure to drink lots of water to regain fluids. If this is a frequent cause of nausea, yet you find it difficult to quit, you might want to seek medical assistance—you could be addicted to alcohol.

2. Use acupressure. You can do this by applying your thumb to your wrist and pressing for 30 seconds. Your index and middle fingers should be on the top of your wrist.

Method 2 of 7: Relaxation

1. Give your body what it needs.
If you’re feeling dizzy (often part of nausea), try not to move around too much, even when your stomach is doing somersaults—unless it’s about to do a triple somersault towards the nearest exit.
The most important thing is to keep your head still.

2. Lay with your knees bent. This can help ease pain.
Consider trying to kneel on both knees and rest your forehead on a pillow. This might help stretch and rest your body at the same time.
Get up slowly after resting.

3.Lie face down on a cold tile floor. This can be very soothing.

4. Use cool, wet cloths. Sometimes putting a cool washcloth on your forehead can help relax you.

5. Sleep or take a nap. You will either feel better or worse when you wake up, but it’s better than suffering.

6. Take deep breaths. When your stomach is slightly upset, the deep breaths create a different rhythm pattern in the stomach.

7. Take a bath and relax. Anxiety is known to make nausea worse. If you are obsessing about being sick, this can make you sick. Stimulate your mind.

Method 3 of 7: Fresh air

1. Get the air flowing. Have a fan blow on your face or body. This will reduce nausea, and will feel quite good.

2. Get away from bad odors. Avoid sitting in hot rooms and avoid repulsive smells—which, when you’re nauseous, is just about any smell at all.

3. Go for a walk around the block and get some fresh air.

Sometimes just taking a walk and getting air will help your body feel better. The sooner you do it after the onset of nausea, the easier it will be.
Some people find any activity worsens the nausea. Be sensible if this makes things worse and stop.

4. Sniff rubbing alcohol. Apply a small amount to some cotton balls or makeup pads, and hold those under your nose.

Method 4 of 7: Non-prescription drugs

  • Seek relief with non-prescription drugs. Some over-the-counter medications such as Pepto-Bismol, Maalox and Mylanta help calm nauseated stomachs. Others include Emetrol and Neuzene. It depends on the cause of nausea, but an irritated stomach may feel better after a couple of spoonfuls. Anti-motion sickness drugs like Dramamine can also help as well.
  • Some medications can cause nausea as a side effect. Talk to your doctor.
  • Domperidone (sold as Motillium in the UK) works for some people.

Method 5 of 7: Foods that help ease nausea

1. Have regular meals and snacks. You may think this is the last thing to do but it is the first. Hunger or skipping a meal can make you feel sick.
Eat small meals throughout the day or snack on things to keep your stomach from being upset. Avoid overeating and stop when you are full.
Avoid spicy or greasy foods. They can enhance the nausea.

2. Eat crackers. Robert M. Stern, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Pennsylvania State University in University Park and a researcher on motion sickness and nausea for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration says that plain food is best for helping with nausea. He recommends eating or nibbling on low-fat foods, such as crackers.
Don’t overdo it, though. A few crackers will ease your nausea, but too much of any food may make you feel even worse.

3. Eat fiber rich foods. These remove nausea-inducing chemicals from your system. Have an apple or snack on raw vegetables.

4. Snack on peanuts. Nuts and other protein rich foods replenish depleted energy and keep nausea at bay.

5. Eat a banana. Bananas contain potassium that is lost during nauseous symptoms.

6. Have some applesauce. Eat no more than a spoonful or so at a time, until your nausea has abated.

7. Use ginger. Nibble crystallized ginger. Or, make ginger tea by grating fresh ginger, pour boiling water over it, allow to brew, then strain.

8. Eat peppermint flavored candies such as Mentos or Tic-Tacs. The peppermint soothes nausea. Don’t eat too many though as sugary sweets can make nausea worse.
Sugar-free peppermint gum is an option but be careful; chewing adds air and can cause bloating, worsening the nauseous sensations.

9. Do the BRAT diet. BRAT is a mnemonic acronym for the staples of this diet: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. It may not cure your nausea, but it may shorten the duration of the symptoms. Don’t spend too long on this diet—it’s lacking in a lot of nutrition.

Method 6 of 7: Drinks that help ease nausea

1. Drink a Maalox cocktail. Christa Farnon, M.D. recommends adding a few drops of spirit of peppermint in Maalox mixed with a quart of distilled water. Take a few sips of this to soothe your upset stomach and use the rest later, as needed.

2. Drink some peppermint tea. Peppermint stops spasms in the stomach that lead to vomiting.

3. Drink something warm. Tea, broth or herbal tisanes can help ease nausea; the warmth can be a comforting sensation.

4. Drink ginger ale. This has been a popular remedy to settle the stomach.

5. Drink sports drinks. These contain sodium and potassium electrolytes that are lost during bouts of nausea.
Don’t drink anything with caffeine. Caffeinated products can upset the stomach further.

6. Avoid milk-based products. Dr. Farnon warns that milk products are harder to digest and the proteins and fats tend to create mucus which isn’t kind on the stomach.

7. Drink flat soda. If you don’t have flat soda, Dr. Grant suggests that you open up a carbonated drink and let it go flat. He recommends ginger ale, but other soft drinks work just as well. Dr. Farnon suggests the flat syrup of Coca-Cola, available in most drugstores, sipped over cracked ice when your stomach becomes queasy. Carbonated drinks, on the other hand, contain agitating acids.

Drink water with baking soda. Mix about half a spoonful of baking soda in a cup of water and drink it. It tastes awful, but gives very fast relief.

Method 7 of 7: Getting your mind off the nausea

Do something fun. Forget about the nausea. Watch a movie or talk to someone. Try playing a video game, listen to songs. Sometimes nausea is only in the mind.

  • Try not to stress about being sick, anxiety can make nausea worse.
  • Read a book, grab a crossword puzzle, or watch a movie!

Source: wiki how

Morning Sickness Relief: Eating With Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is the nauseated feeling you experience in your first trimester. It usually starts out in the morning and wears off as you become active throughout your day. This is a good place to start when looking for morning sickness relief. Not all morning sickness remedies will work for you, but these are just a few remedies and comforts that have helped other women get through their days

In the Morning:

Allow yourself plenty of time to get out of bed. If you usually get up at 6:00 a.m. set your alarm for 5:00 a.m. It is a good idea to keep a stash of crackers or dry cereal by your bed, so you can put something in your stomach as soon as you wake up. Get out of bed slowly as you start your day.

During the Day:

Eat small meals throughout the day to avoid getting too full or too hungry. Progesterone slows the speed of food passing through your digestive tract. To further prevent your stomach from getting too full or too empty, you should drink fluids a 1/2 hour before or after a meal, but not with your meals. But DO drink fluids throughout the day to avoid dehydration.

Get plenty of rest when you can. This is especially important if you have to get up early in the morning. But DON’T take a nap right after a meal. This can cause nausea to be worse.

Avoid foods or smells that make your nausea worse, and avoid being in warm places, which can increase your nausea.

In the Evening:

For dinner avoid spicy, greasy foods. Prepare things that are bland and do not have a strong odor. You may have to avoid cooking for the first trimester.

Most importantly, go to bed early! You need your rest to have the energy to get up early and do it all over again. If you happen to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, try to eat something from your bedside stash!

Morning Sickness Relief: Suggested Meals

  • Cold foods (sandwiches, raw vegetables, salad when properly prepared to prevent listeria)
  • Bland foods (chicken soup, broth, plain baked potato)
  • Plain vegetables or fruits
  • Keep meals small, but eat as frequently as you need

Morning Sickness Relief: Suggested Snacks To Eat

  • Lemons (eat them, suck on them, sniff them)
  • Ginger (ginger ale soda, ginger tea, ginger jam on toast, ginger snaps)
  • Peppermint tea
  • Crackers
  • Jell-O
  • Flavored popsicles
  • Pretzels

Morning Sickness Relief: Treatments & Supplements

Preggie Pops: flavored lollipops in flavors known to reduce nausea. (Available flavors include: ginger, mint, lavender, sour raspberry, sour lemon, and sour tangerine)

A natural way to ease nausea

  • Drug free and doctor recommended
  • Great for labor
  • Alleviates dry mouth
  • Quick energy boost
  • Sea Bands: wristbands that use acupressure pulse points to fight nausea.

For all forms of nausea – including morning sickness
No drugs, no side effects
Used by doctors and hospitals
The only clinically tested wristband
One size fits all
Relief Band Device: device that can be worn continuously for relief of mild to moderate nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy.

Vitamin B6: Taking Vitamin B6 (50 mg) daily has been shown to help with pregnancy-induced nausea.

Talk with your health care provider about any supplements and treatments for morning sickness. If morning sickness is so severe that you are constantly throwing up and not keeping anything down, consult with your health care provider about the possibility of having hyperemesis gravidarum.

Source: American Pregnancy

Home Remedies for Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy




Nausea is a sensation of discomfort in the stomach. It has lots of possible causes like stomach infection, weakness, depression, anxiety etc. It is common in pregnant women. Nausea sometimes precedes vomiting. But it is a part of pregnancy. It is believed to be normal. And it can be controlled from getting severe. There are some simple home remedies which can help control the discomfort.

# Sucking a lime or peppermint sweet :- These give a feeling of relaxation to your mind and calm you down.

# Sipping iced cold tea

# Drinking herbal tea such as light tulsi/mint tea without sugar or milk

# Strong ginger flavour or powdered ginger

# Eat some protein snack before retiring to bed at night

# Put one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of lukewarm water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

# Eat Saunf or aniseed

Source: the med guru