Kidney health: Symptoms of Cyst on Kidney


PKD describes kidney cyst grows and increases, causing kidney damage and declined kidney function. In addition, many other symptoms like anemia, swelling and high blood pressure can appear. Then, if cyst grows to 10 cm, what symptoms will occur?

1. High blood pressure
Due to increase and growth of cyst, kidney and other parts in body can be suppressed, especially blood vessels. In this way, pressure in blood vessels can be enhanced, leading to high blood pressure. The bigger and more kidney cyst is , the higher blood pressure is. As for 10 cm cyst, it is very large, causing high blood pressure for patients.

2. Pain in back
Due to big cyst in kidney area, tissues or organs surrounded by cyst can be affected and damaged, resulting in pain in back.

3. Blood in the urine
Just as balloon is very easy to break when it is big enough, 10 cm cyst can be very pone to rupture, too. If it happens, bleeding can appear. In this case, these blood can flow away through urine, forming blood in urine.

4. High creatinine level
As is known, creatinine level is an indicator of kidney function. The more serious kidney function is, the higher creatinine level is. As 10 cm cyst is very big to damage kidney, kidney function can be affected. In this way, kidney can’t remove much creatinine from body, leading to high creatinine level.

Patients with 10 cm cyst on kidney are very likely to have the above symptoms. If you are a patients with PKD with the above symptoms, it means that your cyst grows very largely, and it is very necessary for you to get timely and effective treatment. Any question, or want to know more information, contact us freely any time. We are very pleased that we can give you some effective suggestions.

Source: Kidney therapy

High Blood Pressure Can Quietly Damage Kidneys

I thought I was a healthy 40-year-old until I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. My doctor began treating it as a stand-alone condition, without considering that high blood pressure is a major risk factor for kidney disease.

At first, I wasn’t even tested for kidney disease. But eventually, he gave me a urine test, and it was discovered that I had protein in my urine — one of the earliest signs of kidney damage. Apparently, my high blood pressure had damaged my kidneys.

Healthy kidneys filter out wastes and toxins, but my kidneys’ ability to do so began to decrease at an alarming rate. I continued to manage my blood pressure with medication and decided to make a few lifestyle changes, as well, that helped me avoid the progression of kidney disease to kidney failure.

I limited my salt intake, started eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, decreased the amount of meat I was eating and began swimming every day. I began to feel better, and when I went to the doctor, it turned out my kidney function had stabilized.

Please tell your readers that if they have high blood pressure they should be proactive and ask their doctor to check their kidneys. Early detection and lifestyle change can make a major impact on your health, as I have learned. — DUANE SUNWOLD, SPOKANE, WASH.

DEAR DUANE: It is generous of you to share your medical history in an effort to caution my readers. The National Kidney Foundation urges everyone to learn about these vital organs and whether they might be at risk.

The three major risk factors for kidney disease are: high blood pressure, diabetes and a family history of kidney failure. People who have these risk factors should ask their doctor to check their kidney function with a simple blood and urine test.

Readers, March is National Kidney Month, and March 13 is World Kidney Day. If you are at risk, schedule an appointment with your doctor. For anyone who needs more information, the National Kidney Foundation’s website is

DEAR ABBY: I’m a member of the clergy who enjoys studying for my ministry and doctoral work at a local coffee shop. Three men who go there every day have found out that I’m a minister, and they each want to talk with me while I’m there. Although all three are members of the same religion, none of them is affiliated with a church.

I have invited them to visit my worship services, as well as call the office and set up an appointment with me. I have also tried to diplomatically explain that I go to the coffee shop to study. One of them ignores it, another appears hurt and the third one gets offended. When they’re not around, I am productive. When they show up, they want me to be their chaplain.

Because of where I live, finding another coffee shop is not a viable option. How can I set a boundary with them and still do my studying there? Thank you. — Reverend in New York

Source:The Mercury


Vegetable Protein May Help Kidney Disease Patients Live Longer

Increased consumption of vegetable protein was linked with prolonged survival among kidney disease patients in a new a study. The findings will be presented at ASN Kidney Week 2013 November 5-10 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA.

Due to poor kidney function, toxins that are normally excreted in the urine can build up in the blood of individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Research shows that compared with animal protein, vegetable protein intake in patients is linked with lower production of such toxins. It is unclear whether consuming more vegetable protein prolongs CKD patients’ lives, however.

To investigate, a team led by Xiaorui Chen (University of Utah) studied 1,104 CKD patients in the1988-1994 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III and asked them about their animal and vegetable protein intake.

After controlling for various factors such as age, smoking, and BMI, the researchers found that for each 10 gram increase in vegetable protein intake per day, participants had a 14% lower risk of dying by the end of 2006. “Interventional trials are needed to establish whether increasing vegetable protein will decrease mortality in the CKD population,” they wrote.

Source: Nephrology news

How to keep your kidneys healthy

caring for your kidneys is very important because when it becomes damaged, the waste products and fluid get assembled in the body and can cause several illnesses leading to fatal conditions later in life.

Kidneys are essential in the urinary system and serve the body as a natural filter of the blood. They remove wastes and excess fluid thus cleansing your blood in your body. Kidneys maintain the balance of salt and minerals in your blood and help regulate blood pressure.

Taking care of your kidneys will help you to take care of the rest of your body. Kidneys are two small organs located at the rear of the abdominal cavity in the retroperitoneum performing several life-sustaining roles.

Therefore, caring for your kidneys is very important because when it becomes damaged, the waste products and fluid get assembled in the body and can cause several illnesses leading to fatal conditions later in life.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD), also known as chronic renal disease is dangerous and is characterised by a steady loss in renal function over time.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is classified into five stages with stage 1 being the mildest and usually causing few symptoms and stage 5 being a severe illness with poor life expectancy if untreated. The last stage is also called end stage renal disease (ESRD) or end stage renal failure (ESRF) where a patient needs dialysis or transplants to stay alive.
The most common causes of CKD are diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and a family history of kidney failure. Other risks include: obesity, autoimmune diseases, urinary tract infections and systemic infections.

The National Kidney Foundation of India, an NGO, ranked kidney diseases as third amongst life-threatening diseases (after Cancer and Cardiac ailments) in the country. It also estimates that 100 people in a million succumb to kidney ailments and around 90,000 kidney transplants are required annually in India.

Below are some tips to help you keep your kidneys healthy:

– Follow a healthy diet by choosing foods that are healthy for your heart such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy foods, etc.
– Do not smoke.
– Limit your alcohol intake.
– Exercise regularly.
– Maintain a healthy weight to avoid overweight.
– Reduce salt in your diet.
– Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol under control.
– Do not overuse over-the-counter painkillers or NSAIDs.
– Drink plenty of fluids/water
– Seek medical help or talk to your doctor if you think you are at risk of for CKD.
