Having ice cream may not lift your mood


Do you often rush for comfort foods such as chocolate or ice cream in order to boost your mood?

Scientists have found the idea that eating certain foods makes us feel better when we are in a bad mood may be a myth.

On the other hand, people may simply feel better after some time has passed, regardless of what they eat, according to a new study.
Researchers asked study participants to pick foods that they thought would make them feel better if they were in a bad mood, such as chocolate, cookies or ice cream.

They were also asked to choose foods that they liked, but that they did not think would boost their mood, ‘Live Science’ reported.
Participants then watched a 20-minute video intended to elicit feelings of sadness, anger and fear. They rated their mood immediately after the video, and three minutes later.

In those three minutes, they were served either their comfort food, a food they liked, a granola bar, or no food at all.
As expected, participants were in a bad mood immediately after watching the video. Three minutes later, their mood improved, regardless of whether they had their comfort food, another food, or no food at all.
“We were incredibility surprised by those results,” said researcher Heather Scherschel Wagner, a doctorate candidate at the University of Minnesota.

Before the study was conducted, the researchers believed that there was something to eating comfort food, said Wagner.
“Whether it’s your comfort food, or it’s a granola bar, or if you eat nothing at all, you will eventually feel better. Basically, comfort food can’t speed up that healing process,” Wagner said.

Source: Indian Express

Forget Viagra, now there’s ice-cream that can turn you on!


 A British ice cream maker has developed a flavour, ‘The Arousal’, which includes 25 mg of Viagra per scoop. Charlie Harry Francis, who created the concoction, wrote on his blog ‘Lick Me, I’m Delicious’ that that champagne is also a key ingredient in the flavour.

Francis told Latin Times that champagne-flavoured/Viagra ice cream was a custom order by an A-list celeb, and he spent a few days developing the recipe. He said incorporating the Viagra was easy but making it taste nicely of champagne was tough.

Source; The Health site