How to Never Have Another Headache Ever Again

Painkillers will do the trick for the occasional headache, but if you’re slammed with them on a weekly or even daily basis — as 45 million Americans are — you need a better solution. Here, proven strategies that can ease, and even eliminate, chronic headache pain

Rack open a window
When a home is well-sealed, indoor levels of mold, perfumes, smoke and other irritants can skyrocket, worsening headaches for one in four sufferers, according to research at Johns Hopkins University. An easy Rx: Open a few windows to air out those pollutants. Keep them open long enough for a refreshing breeze to sweep out stale smells. Repeat as necessary to circulate some fresh air throughout your home, study authors say.

Sneak in some ginger
Add 1/2 teaspoon of fresh ginger to your daily diet, and you could tamp down even chronic headaches within one week, say researchers at Connecticut’s Manchester Memorial Hospital. Credit ginger’s active ingredient, gingerol. Danish studies suggest this powerful anti-inflammatory that is chemically similar to aspirin blocks the formation of pain-triggering compounds called leukotrienes in the brain.

Tip: Use ginger to add a zesty dash of flavor to stir fries, rice dishes, soups, casseroles and dipping sauces, grate it over ice cream, or steep it to make a tea.

Sport sunglasses
One in three headaches are triggered — or made worse — by blasts of sunlight, say UCLA researchers. The reason? When bright light hits the delicate retinas in your eyes, it activates your brain’s pain nerves. To stay ache-free, slip on shades before you head outdoors on bright days, even if you don’t think you need them.

Sniff tangerine essential oil
Spend one minute three times daily relaxing and inhaling the tangy, sweet smell of tangerine essential oil, and you could reduce your risk of tension headaches in as little as one week, say Stanford University researchers. Tangerine’s aromatic compounds soothe the central nervous system, relax tight neck and scalp muscles, plus boost your brain’s production of a pain-soothing compound called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), says Hyla Cass, M.D., author of Eight Weeks To Vibrant Health. Look for it in health and whole foods stores.

Avoid herbal slip-ups
If you use prescription pain medication to tame your worst headaches, check with your doctor or pharmacist before trying any herbal remedies. Surprising University of Utah research suggests that some of today’s most popular herbs — including ginkgo, ginseng, St. John’s wort and valerian — can counteract prescription pain meds, leading to nasty headache flare-ups.

Warm up before working out
According to Columbia University researchers, up to one in four headache-prone women are hit with brain pain within five hours of exercising if they jump into vigorous workouts without warming up. The culprit? Rapid changes in blood flow can trigger painful swelling of brain blood vessels. To prevent the problem, do your first 10 minutes of exercise at a leisurely pace, then gradually pick up the speed, Columbia researchers suggest.

Eat more vegetarian meals
When women pile their plates with fruits, vegetables, legumes and 100-percent whole grains, their headache frequency is reduced by 70 percent, and their attacks are 66 percent shorter and less painful, say doctors at California’s Loma Linda University. “These healthy carbs contain hundreds of natural anti-inflammatories that quickly lower the amount of headache-triggering inflammation your body produces,” says Neal Barnard, M.D., president of the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington, D.C.

Sip mullein leaf tea
Drink 16 ounces of this herbal brew daily and you’ll tamp down blood vessel and scalp muscle inflammation, reducing your risk of headache flare-ups in as little as 10 days, say Stanford University researchers. Credit mullein’s rich supply of natural anti-inflammatories. Look for mullein leaf tea in whole-food stores and well-stocked department stores like Walgreens. It can taste a bit bitter, so sweeten to taste with sugar or honey.

Level out your estrogen
Almost 60 percent of women struggle with their worst headaches right before their periods hit. Called menstrual migraines, these headaches are set off by sudden estrogen dips. A quick fix: If you take birth control pills, Yale University researchers suggest asking your doctor about skipping the placebos so your estrogen levels can stay steady all month long. Not on the pill? Consider using an estrogen patch during your premenstrual week, so those pain-triggering hormone plunges don’t occur.

Get up with your alarm
Get your sleep, but don’t linger in bed. According to University of Texas researchers, 79 percent of headache sufferers are prone to pain if they lounge in bed too long — even if they’re getting roughly the same amount of sleep each night. “Changing your wake-up time has a huge impact on brain function, lowering your pain threshold and making your brain blood vessels a lot more likely to spasm,” explains Michael Smolensky, Ph.D., author of The Body Clock Guide to Better Health.

Tip: Set your alarm so you get up at roughly the time every day, even on weekends.

Treat your snoring
Almost 30 million Americans struggle with sleep apnea — short breathing pauses during sleep – which triggers loud snoring, daytime fatigue, and nasty morning headaches. Those lapses in breathing allow carbon dioxide to build up in the bloodstream, which is a powerful headache trigger, explain researchers at Columbia-Presbyterian Eastside. If you’ve been told you snore loudly or stop breathing during sleep, report it to your doctor. Columbia studies show treating sleep apnea can make morning headaches vanish in as little as two days.

Take melatonin
Even if you don’t have sleep apnea, it may be wise to take a natural sleep aid . In a surprising Brazilian study, when migraine-prone patients took 3 milligrams of melatonin 30 minutes before bedtime, their headache frequency (and the level of pain) was cut in half. For one in four subjects, this simple treatment erased their migraines within three months! Turns out this sleep-inducing hormone helps prevent one of the most common migraine triggers — the amount or quality of sleep people get each night.

Soothe stress with a little “me” time
Carve out 30 minutes each day to relax and unwind, and your headache attacks could be cut in half within two weeks, say researchers at Utah State University. “Making time to nurture yourself drastically cuts your production of pain-triggering stress hormones,” explains Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., author of Real Cause, Real Cure. Try leisurely baths, deep breathing, yoga, napping or any other calming activity that fits easily into your schedule.

Tame rebound pain
If you’re getting at least three headaches every week, chances are good you’re struggling with rebound headaches (pain that flares every time painkillers wear off). To fix the problem fast, try switching to plain aspirin or acetaminophen. “Although most over-the-counter painkillers cause rebound headaches, those two are completely innocent,” says David Buchholz, M.D., author of Heal Your Headache. Make the switch, and your headache flare-ups could be cut in half within one week, he says.

When it’s time to see a doctor
If none of these solutions work, you probably have migraines and should see a doctor to get them under control.

According to Cleveland Clinic researchers, women with migraines often need preventive meds to really get their pain under control. Yet fewer than half of all migraine sufferers have been accurately diagnosed. If you have even one of these migraine symptoms, and at-home remedies haven’t made a dent in your misery, talk to your doctor about it:

Your headaches last 4 to 72 hours
You’d describe the pain as throbbing
Your headaches worsen if you make abrupt movements (like bending down to pick something off the floor)

You’re sensitive to light or sound, or feel nauseous, during headache attacks

Source: stumble upon

Good sleep needed to fight diabetes, obesity

It’s widely known that sleep is crucial for maintaining our health. Now, a new study sheds light its benefits, concluding that a lack of good sleep can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other metabolic disorders.

The research, published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, says sleep aids in both the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders because it helps regulate the metabolism of glucose, control food intake, and energy balance.

Disrupting the body’s sleep cycle is also linked to poor metabolic health, increased chronic illness rate, and premature death, according to the new study.

Researchers say more people are getting lower-quality sleep due to the modern lifestyles, including the use of technological devices at nighttime, such as tablets and smartphones.

Source: Health Central

6 Energy-Boosting Daily Habits That Don’t Rely On Caffeine

Many of us have a love-hate relationship with caffeine because we love the energy it gives us to start our day, but we hate the exhaustion it makes us feel at night. Although we have intimately familiarized ourselves with the stimulant drug during our mornings, mid-afternoon slumps, and in between errands, it masks the symptoms of fatigue and dehydrates the body. To avoid the highs and lows in this caffeine energy rollercoaster, here are six daily habits that will naturally boost your energy all day long.

1. Drink H2O
Replace your juice, caffeinated beverage, or energy drink with some H2O. Drinking a glass or two of water as a quick pick-me-up can give you an energy boost, clearer skin, and better digestion as it flushes toxins from the body. Not drinking enough water can result in dehydration and cause several systems in the body to slow down, and therefore, make you feel tired and irritable. Harvard Health Publications says water is the only nutrient that has been shown to enhance performance for even the most demanding endurance activities. It’s time to drink up!

Tip: To add some flavor to your water, add a lemon to transform water into a natural energy drink with electrolytes that help the cells produce energy.

2. Eat Healthy Fats
Do not eliminate all fats from your diet. Healthy fats are essential for the body to absorb antioxidants and provide you with more energy. A 2012 study found people absorbed fewer antioxidants from veggies when they ate fat-free dressing compared to those who had low-fat and full-fat dressing. Some antioxidants need fat in order to be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood where they can take effect. Moreover, they help fight free radicals and give you better focus and clarity.

Tip: Fats from avocado, olive oil, coconut, and fish are best to maximize the amount of energy in your body.

3. Take a Brisk Walk
Going on a brisk walk every day is a good start to increasing your level of physical activity while increasing your energy. Exercising causes the body to release epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are stress hormones that can make you feel energized. In a 2006 study, a team of researchers reviewed 12 large-scale studies on the association between exercise and fatigue. Each study measured the amount of physical activity that participants were doing and how much energy or fatigue the participants experienced. Overall, all of the studies found there was a direct link between a reduced risk of fatigue for those physically active compared to their inactive counterparts.

Tip: Perform aerobic exercises for 30 to 60 minutes, three to five days a week to increase your energy, and promote good heart health.

4. Listen to Your Favorite Song
To get a quick burst of energy, put on your favorite song, and start dancing. The sound of music can elevate your mood and energy level as it invigorates the body by activating several areas of the brain simultaneously leading to new nerve connections, according to a study published in the European Journal of Neuroscience. It’s time to put on your favorite song, sing out loud, and dance for an energy boost.

5. Massage Your Ears
Although this may seem unusual at first glance, massaging your ears increases blood circulation, and therefore increases energy instantly. Dr. Art Karno, a chiropractor in California, says the ear maps the entire body and contains acupressure points that can stimulate every area, organ, or system in the body. He suggests vigorously rubbing your ears from top to bottom, including the lobes, and take three breaths as you do this. Inhale, exhale, and a panting breath for every repetition.

Tip: Start at the lobe and massage up to the top of each ear.

6. Take a Cold Shower
While hot showers can make you feel relaxed, and at ease, cold showers stimulate your body and speed up circulation, which makes you feel more alert. Tim Ferris, author of The 4-hour Body, says freezing cold showers can increase your metabolism, boost your energy levels, bolster your immune system, kick your sex drive into high gear, and even lead to healthier skin and hair. Cold showers are typically 50 degrees and can offer your body a refreshing burst.

Tip: Take a regular shower, and cool it down for the last five minutes or so to ease your body into these cold showers.

Source: medical daily


Home Remedies for Managing High Blood Pressure

Exercising 30 to 60 minutes a day can help bring down your blood pressure numbers by 4 to 9 mmHg. If you’ve been inactive for a while, talk to your doctor about a safe exercise routine. Start out slowly by walking or riding a bicycle. Gradually add moderate intensity activities to your routine. Not a fan of the gym? Take your workout outside. Go for a hike, jog, or swim and still reap the benefits. The important thing is to get moving! The AHA also recommends incorporating at least two days of muscle strength training a week.

Following the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) can lower your blood pressure by as much as 14 mmHg. The DASH diet consists of eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, low-fat dairy, lean meats, and fish. Eliminate foods high in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol, such as processed foods, whole milk dairy products, fatty meats, and fried food.

Slow Down On the Salt
If you have high blood pressure, keeping your sodium intake to a minimum is vital. The AHA recommends limiting your sodium intake to less than 1,500 mg of sodium a day. That’s a little over half a teaspoon. One teaspoon of table salt has 2,400 mg of sodium! Table salt isn’t the only culprit when it comes to high sodium; processed food and many restaurant dishes tend to be loaded with sodium. Consuming too much sodium can cause the body to retain fluid, resulting in a sharp rise in blood pressure.

Lose Excess Weight
Weight and blood pressure go hand in hand. Losing just five pounds can help lower your blood pressure. It’s not just the number on your scale that matters, but the number of your waist size. The extra fat around your waist, called visceral fat, is troublesome because the fat tends to surround organs in the abdomen, which can lead to health issues including high blood pressure. Men should keep their waist measurement to less than 40 inches, while women should aim for less than 35 inches.

Nix Your Nicotine Addiction
Studies show that smoking a cigarette can temporarily raise blood pressure 10 mmHg or more for up to an hour after you smoke. If you’re a heavy smoker, your blood pressure can stay elevated for extended periods of time. People with high blood pressure who smoke are at greater risk for developing dangerously high blood pressure. Even secondhand smoke can put you at increased risk for high blood pressure and heart disease.

Limit Alcohol
Drinking a glass of red wine with your dinner is perfectly fine and may even offer heart health benefits when done in moderation. Drinking alcohol in excess, however, can lead to many adverse health issues, including high blood pressure. What does drinking in moderation mean?

Stress Less
In this hurried, multitasking society we live in, it’s hard to slow down and relax. It’s important to step away from your daily stress and take a few deep breaths, meditate, or practice yoga. Stress can temporarily raise your blood pressure, and too much of it can keep your pressure up for extended periods of time. Try to identify what’s triggering your stress, such as your job, relationships, or your finances, and find ways to fix the problems.

Source: health line

Carrots – Health Benefits And Nutrition Facts

Carrots are rich in nutrients with beneficial impact on the organism, especially on the eyesight. Raw carrots can be difficult to consume, so it is recommended to shred or dice them before eating. Taking in consider carrots grow in soil, it is important to remove (peel) the outer layer.


  • Vitamin K
  • Beta-carotene
  • Folate
  • Calcium
  • Chromium
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Fiber

Carrots Nutrition Facts

Carrots are one of the richest natural sources of beta-carotene, important provitamin, which after consuming, turns into one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body – vitamin A.

Vitamin A helps cells strengthen and fight against viruses, supports the fight against cancer and prevents cardiovascular diseases.Vitamin A also takes part in the processes of producing eye pigment, so it is generally known that carrots are good for the eyesight.

As part of the nutritive group found in carrots we will also mention vitamin K, which has influence on blood coagulation and wound healing. Fiber help digestion, and also prevent colon cancer.

Fiber and chromium, contained in this healthy root vegetable play important role in stabilization of glycemia. This combination is particularly necessary when it comes to dealing with hunger attacks and diabetes control.

Health Benefits Of Carrots

  • Sweet and juicy, carrots are extremely rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fiber, and 100 grams contain only 41 calories, negligible amounts of fat and no cholesterol .
  • Carrots are extremely rich source of vitamin A and carotene. 100 grams of fresh carrots contain 8285 micrograms beta-carotene and 16,706 international units of vitamin A. Studies have shown that flavonoid compounds in carrots help preventing skin, lung and oral cavity cancer.
  • Carotenes are transformed into vitamin A in the liver. Beta-carotene is the main carotene contained in these roots. Beta-carotene is one of the powerful, natural antioxidants that protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.
  • Additionally, it has all the functions of vitamin A, and the most important are: maintaining healthy eyesight, maintaining reproductive health (sperm production), maintenance of epithelial integrity, growth and proper development.
  • Carrots are rich in polyacetylene antioxidant falcarinol. Scientific research conducted at the University of Newcastle on laboratory animals showed that falcarinol in carrots may help in the fight against cancer, destroying pre-cancer cells in tumors.
  • Fresh roots also contain a certain amount of vitamin C, ie provide about 9 percent of the recommended daily intake. Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant.
  • It helps the body to maintain the health of the connective tissue, teeth and gums. Its antioxidant properties help the body protect itself from diseases and cancers, collecting harmful free radicals
  • This root vegetable contains a solid amount of B vitamins, such as folic acid, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), thiamin, pantothenic acid, etc. These substances are important because they function as cofactors of enzymes in metabolic processes in the body.
  • Carrots also contain a healthy amount of minerals, including copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus.
  • Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids and helps controlling the rhythm of the heart, by neutralising the effects of sodium. The body uses manganese as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase.

carrot juice

Surprise your partner and prepare the following fresh recipe for two.
You need:

  • 8 carrots, peeled and diced
  • 4 green apples, chopped into pieces
  • Some fresh ginger

Source; Healthy food house

Want gorgeous glow on skin? Eat and apply the right vitamins

Are you eating all the right veggies and fruits but your face still lacks the luminescent glow? Believe it or not the skin care regime is missing some essential vitamins.

The aging signs can be reversed by the help of nutrients. Even if a balanced diet holds the key to a gorgeous skin , according to Mary Lupo, MD, clinical professor of dermatology, “the body delivers only a certain percentage of vitamins to your skin, no matter how much you ingest.” The diet does keep the skin superfine but it may not do the needful for the blemishes, under eye skin and facial marks. This means that we have to topically apply the vitamins in the skin to make it glow and look better.

Vitamin A- the age fighter

This is an important part of the night creams and OTC lotions. They contribute greatly to the removal of blemishes like brown spots and reduction of the wrinkles; they also help in smoothening the rough skin. They help in reducing age lines and thus make the person look younger. Make sure that you apply the cream at night as the sunlight works negatively on the vitamin and neutralize its action. The creams with retinoids may cause irritation and redness so apply in very little quantities, every alternate day in the beginning.

Vitamin B3 to reduce redness

The skin is protected by an outer barrier made up of fatty acids and ceramides. This helps the skin retain moisture and ward off substances that cause skin irritations. So if the skin is sensitive and prone to dryness then use Vitamin B3 creams for reducing skin redness and keeping the skin hydrated. It also helps in minimizing the dark spots if used in morning and night. Mixing a retinoid cream with niacinamide or Vitamin B3 provides great anti aging benefits.

Vitamin C- the all around vitamin that keeps age at bay

Skin care benefit is maximum from the creams that show a concentration of more than 5% of vitamin C and are stored in air tight containers. Vitamin C helps ward off the sagging skin by making it firm and also helps in treating brown spots. Discolorations and fine lines lighten up tremendously with the regular use of Vitamin C.

Moisturize the skin with Vitamin E

Generally all after sun products and the sunscreens contain this Vitamin and help the skin retain the hydration and also quell dryness. It helps neutralize the harmful and damaging free radicals keeping it less dry and inflamed. It’s best used before heading out to the sun and also after sun exposure. Vitamin E in the skin is destroyed by UV light or sun exposure so just pick the right cream and slather it on generously.

Vitamin K for brighter eyes

Brighten the under eye skin with creams containing Vitamin K. The capillaries below the eyes are very fragile and the blood in them sometimes leaks into the skin causing the dark eyes. The Vitamin helps in lighten the under eye skin by lightening the melanin. Generally the Vitamin K is complemented by the retinol, says Dr. Baumann, “the retinol may enhance K’s ability to penetrate skin and knock out darkness.”

Source: the med guru

Avocado – Fruit With Amazing Health Benefits

Scientists claim avocado, or alligator pear, is a fruit with highest nutritive value.

This irresistible tropical fruit can be found in more than 80 types, divided in three groups: Mexican avocado, Guatemalan avocado and west Indian avocado. In this article we present you all the health benefits avocado provides.

There are numerous legends and stories related to avocado. In ancient times this fruit had been named as “Great”, “royal” or “magic”. It originated in Middle and South America, where people believed it has magical power, and served it on royal feasts, and every princess had to consume it.

Nutritive Value Of Avocado

  • 100 g avocado have 160 kcal (669 kJ) energy value, including:
  • 2% protein
  • 14.6% fat
  • 8.5% carbohydrates
  • 0.6% sugar

Avocado is an excellent source of copper, calcium, magnesium, and it contains small amounts of sodium. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, and it contains some of the B vitamins, mostly pantothenic acid. Avocado also contains small amounts of riboflavin, niacin and vitamin E.

Health Benefits of Avocado

  • Before anything, we must mention that avocado provides powerful protection for heart and blood vessels. It regulates blood pressure and heart function, and it also has power in reducing blood cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Nutritionists claim avocado is on the top of anti-cancer products, because of the many antioxidant nutrients it contains and it is proven to have effective impact on reducing the risk of developing breast and prostate cancer.
  • Numerous studies have proven that avocado provides amazing protection for prostate, and besides being double effective in reducing the risk of developing prostate cancer, avocado has great effect in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  • Avocado has positive effect on almost every body system, but mostly on the digestive system, because researches showed that avocado improves digestion, stool formation, protects against colon cancer and hemorrhoids. After listing all the above, we must get to a conclusion that avocado has a royal value for our organism.
  • Speaking of avocado we must not forget about avocado oil. It is as healthy as olive oil and can be used in preparing various delicious salads and other specialties. Avocado oil is ideal for massages, wound treatments and other treatments. It has antibacterial effect, goes deeper in skin, and makes it young and soft.
  • Masseurs and cosmeticians which have been using avocado oil in their massages and cosmetic treatments for years say their clients believe that massaging skin with avocado oil makes it smooth and moisturized.

We can write about avocado as much as we can and we will not find any negative effect for both avocado and avocado oil as its product. Avocado is a tropical fruit, but you can find it in any bigger market. So hurry up and buy avocado today and enjoy its benefits!

Source: Health care above all

Home Remedies for Sinusitis

Diet Choices: Although this may sound like common sense, many people fail to eat properly when they suffer from sinusitis, often because it is not very enjoyable, as your sense of taste is often compromised. However, as you are probably well aware, your diet impacts every part of your health, both what you intentionally include, as well as what you intentionally avoid.

For sinusitis, a small, balanced diet of grains, lentils, and vegetables is the best choice, since it boosts your body’s immune system and regulates your metabolism to flush out toxins. On the other side of the coin, you should avoid any food that generates more mucous in the sinuses. Basically, you should avoid dairy products like cheese, milk, yogurt, and wheat. Also, in a strange twist, citrus juice and fruits can often increase mucous, despite the fact that citrus fruits are often used as a home remedy for boosting the immune system.

Herbal Options: Adding certain herbs to your diet can have strong effects on the nasal sinuses, as well as on the immune system’s ability to flush out toxins, eliminate mucous, and alleviate the symptoms. Some of these are strong stimulants or contain antioxidants, but the main reason for their use, either in food or in some sort of mixed liquid, is to flush out the mucous in the nose where the infection is usually located. Some of the best herbs for stimulating this emptying of the sinuses is garlic, onions, horseradish, and cayenne pepper. They might make you cry or force your nose to run, but consuming some of these herbs might be your best chance of eliminating sinusitis without allopathic medicine.

Wasabi: As with the herbs listed above, wasabi is specifically praised as a method of intensely affecting the sinuses, which is why we experience the “clearing of sinuses” when we eat too much of it at once. This same effect can be used to flush the mucous and toxins out of the sinuses and into either the stomach or the mouth before it is eliminated from the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar: This useful beverage, which is suggested for many different illnesses, is known to thin mucous and make it less viscous, thereby keeping it from blocking up your breathing and perpetuating the condition.

Grapefruit Seed Extract: This oil can be dropped in the mouth (but only a few drops) or mixed in water, as a way to eliminate the sinus infection very rapidly. However, never take this on an empty stomach, as it is very powerful and can make you sick.

Neti Pots: Using a neti pot has been a technique for centuries, and it is very simple and effective. Simply purchase a neti pot from any drugstore or health shop and fill it with warm distilled or bottled water. Then, pour the water into one nostril and allow it to

come back out the other. It can be an uncomfortable or strange sensation, but it can easily flush out toxins and other materials that you don’t want to remain in your system.

Inhaling Steam: As simple as this sounds, inhaling steam is one of the most popular home remedies for sinusitis. Boiling a pot of water, taking a hot shower, or utilizing an actual steam machine for sinusitis relief can quickly warm the mucus and reduce its consistency, therefore allowing you to blow it out of your nose or spit it out. If you can get rid of the mucous that is making you sick, you’re much more likely to defend against the development of chronic rhinosinusitis. Using humidifiers can also be a good idea while sleeping to help the healing process overnight!

Peppermint Tea: One of the active ingredients in peppermint tea is menthol, which cuts through mucous and thins it out, allowing it to flush easily out of your system. The combination of heat, steam, menthol, and liquid in peppermint tea can be a fast-acting solution for sinusitis of all varieties.

A Final Word of Caution: As mentioned earlier, more serious, long-lasting varieties of sinusitis should not be taken lightly, and if you want relief, allopathic options are normally quite mild and the side effects are limited. However, it is always your choice of whether to use home remedies or medical treatment. Just pay attention to your body and do your best to get healthy!

Source: Organic Facts


Can drinking water lead to weight loss?

Drinking water is often advised as a way to quicken the weight loss process. However, a nutrition expert from the University of Alabama in Birmingham says water isn’t the ‘magic bullet’ for losing weight. ‘There is very little evidence that drinking water promotes weight loss; it is one of those self-perpetuating myths,’ said Beth Kitchin, Ph.D., R.D., assistant professor of nutrition sciences. ‘I’m not saying drinking water isn’t good; but only one study showed people who drank more water burned a few extra calories, and it was only a couple of extra calories a day.’

Kitchin says another ‘water myth’ is the old advice to drink eight 8 oz glasses per day. ‘Yes, people do need to get fluids; but it does not have to be water,’ Kitchin said. ‘There’s no evidence that it melts away fat or makes you feel fuller, so if you don’t like water it’s OK.’ She notes that water is the best hydrater, but in terms of fluid replacement other options will work, including green tea or mineral water/juice combinations.

Caffeinated beverages such as coffee also provide hydration. ‘People think coffee doesn’t count, but actually it does,’ Kitchin said. ‘When you drink coffee, your body is retaining much of that fluid — especially for people who are habituated to drinking caffeine, as the body adapts, resulting in a reduced loss of fluids.’

The idea that cold water burns more calories, as the body has to work to raise the temperature, is also a myth, according to Kitchin. ‘You will hear that ice-cold water helps burn extra calories,’ Kitchin said. ‘While there may be a few extra calories lost, it won’t be nearly enough to make a dent in your weight-loss endeavours.’ The professor recommends following a long-running, research-based weight management program such as Eat Right by UAB or Volumetrics.

‘These plans were built on the premise that if you eat lower-calorie, ‘heavier’ foods, you’re not going to magically lose 25 more pounds than somebody on a different diet, but it might help you feel fuller and not hungry,’ Kitchin said. ‘While drinking water may not help you lose weight, a focus on eating foods with high water content like fruits, veggies and broth-based soups can.’

Source: The Health site:

World Water Day 2014: 5 Reasons You Can’t Survive Without Water


March 22 is World Water Day.

60% of our body-weight is made up of water and without it our organs wouldn’t function properly. A reduction of more than 10% of our normal body water percentage can be termed as a medical emergency and can be fatal. Despite being so important, a lot of people don’t drink enough water. The reason might be laziness or indifference, but not staying hydrated can be extremely dangerous. Here are some of the top reasons why your body needs water.

1. It maintains the balance of body fluids

Maintenance of body temperature, digestion and absorption of food, circulation of blood – these are all functions your body will be unable to perform if you don’t give it enough water.

2. Helps get rid of toxins

Without water, your body wouldn’t be able to get rid of toxins that can cause damage to your cells and organs. If you drink adequate water, your body will excrete harmful toxins like blood urea nitrogen through your kidneys.3. Keeps your digestive system in mint condition

3. Digestive System:

If you don’t get enough water, your colon will pull water from the stools to get enough water for your digestive system. This will result in dry stools that are difficult to pass through your colon. Drinking water or eating foods rich in water like cucumber or papaya will help prevent this problem.

4. Keeps you looking beautiful

Many actresses swear by water when it comes to maintaining their beauty. (Katrina Kaif drinks 4 glasses of water after waking up!) Drinking a lot of water will ensure that everything from your eyes to your skin look great.

5. Keeps you active

A loss of just one percent of your normal body water percentage can leave you feeling tired. A loss of more than 2-4% can affect your mental functioning too. This is why you need to drink enough water to keep yourself active and free from any sort of fatigue. Read more about how water is the fuel that keeps your body running.

These are just some of the basic health benefits of water. Besides this, it can also help you lose weight and prevent heart disease as it is a much healthier substitute to sugar-loaded soft drinks for quenching thirst. You may already be drinking water a few times in a day, but are you drinking enough?

Source: Alibaba clinic