Can curd help treat acidity?


Acidity is a common problem that affects everyone at some point in life. And many of you must have heard that curd is a good solution for dealing with recurring bouts of acidity and heart burn. Let’s find out if actually holds any truth.

Acidity is caused when the stomach starts overproducing gastric acids that instead of helping in digestion of food cause problems like heartburn, burning sensation in the stomach and belching. Now, if you’re suffering from these symptoms, consuming something spicy and hard to digest can exert stress on your digestive system, increasing your acidity and reflux symptoms.

Curd is a dairy product obtained by coagulation of milk. Milk has a high amount of calcium in it that prevents build up of acid by eliminating the excess amount, making it an efficient home remedy for acidity. Other nutrients present in curd are easily digestible. Additionally, curd also helps in absorbing nutrients from other foods you eat, promoting healthy digestion. Curd contains probiotics, useful bacteria that help digestion. A study even showed that curd may cure infection caused by the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori, the most common cause of acidity due to stomach infection.

Source: the health site

7 Miraculous ‘home remedies’ for combating acidity bug

Are you squirming uncomfortably because of a loaded stomach, heart burn and acidity? This may be the result of that one extra bite of sumptuous food that was placed in front of you. Now that you couldn’t resist that “put the blame on meal” we shall help you find a way out of this uncomfortable experience and help you stay away from that bottle of antacid. Let’s tell you about some home remedies for acid reflux right on your kitchen shelf:

The potassium rich Banana

You may not relish that banana but believe us; it’s loaded on potassium with a high PH value and has alkaline properties. The acidity level lowers because of the high PH value. The high-fiber rich bananas help the lining of the stomach produce mucous that helps in increasing the digestion and also acts as a protector to the inner lining. This saves the person from the renewed acidity attacks. The overripe banana work wonders during an extreme acidity bout.

Cold milk

The high-calcium content of the milk prevents the acid formation in the stomach and also prevents the ulcers from forming. The peptic acids are neutralized by the cold milk and this excessive acidity feeling is curbed down drastically by consuming a glassful of cold milk. Leave the sugar alone, drink it sugar free. If you are lactose intolerant then this may not be the answer for you.

Fragrance full fennel

This is a popular mouth freshener and helps in relieving constipation and aiding digestion. Fennel has coolant properties and balms the stomach lining aiding in the healing process. Fennel is a rich source of plasmatic acid, flavonoids, and other volatile oils and also possesses anti-ulcer properties. Best way is to boil fennel seeds in water and then leave them overnight, strain and consume whenever needed.

The digestive Basil leaves

Basil leaves possess digestive compounds that stimulate the stomach’s production of mucous. This mucous that lines the inner stomach, protects the lining from peptic ulcers, helping on the reduction of the acid levels in the stomach. Basil or tulsi leaves also help curb the formation of gas. The basil leaves provide instant relief and need to be consumed right after the meal.

Fresh green Mint leaves

This is a common thing used for preparing a mouth freshener. It improves digestion by lowering the rising acid levels in the stomach. The pain and burning caused by acid reflux can be beaten by eating the leaves of mint. Faster relief can be obtained if the leaves are boiled in water and then taken after cooling it. The tangy smell of the leaves keeps the mouth fresh.

Aromatic Cardamom

Cardamom has magical properties of soothing the stomach by relieving stomach spasms and by calming the excess acid production in the stomach. It has a cooling effect and soothes the mucosal stomach lining and relieves the sensation of burning that makes the person uncomfortable. Boil crushed cardamom in water and cool the water before drinking it.

The succulent and tangy ginger

This is a common Indian kitchen ingredient that also helps in digestion by promoting the production of mucous for the stomach lining. It helps in the reduction of the acid formation and also splits down proteins contained in the food. Ginger also helps in the absorption and assimilation of food.

Source: med guru

Long-term use of antacids linked to vitamin B12 deficiency

A new study has found that people who took commonly prescribed heartburn and ulcer medications for long term were at higher risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Left untreated, vitamin B12 deficiency can increase the risk of dementia, nerve damage, anemia, and other medical complications, some of which may be irreversible. Stomach acid aids in vitamin B12 absorption; suppressing the acids can lead to the health-threatening vitamin deficiency.

Researchers examined the electronic health records (including diagnoses, pharmacy orders, and laboratory results) of 25,956 adult Kaiser Permanente patients diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency in Northern California between January 1997 and June 2011, and compared them with 184,199 patients without B12 deficiency during the same time period.

“Patients who took PPI medications for more than two years had a 65 percent increase in their risk of B12 deficiency,” Douglas A. Corley, MD, PhD, a gastroenterologist and research scientist with the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, said. “Higher doses also were associated with an increased risk, compared with lower doses. Kaiser Permanente’s electronic health records allowed us to look at what happens in the real world for these commonly used medications.”

Among the 25,956 patients who had vitamin B12 deficiency, 12 percent used PPIs for at least two years, compared with 7.2 percent of the control patients. The impact of taking any daily dosage of H2RA medications was less pronounced but also significant: 4.2 percent of patients with B12 deficiency used these medications versus 3.2 percent of control patients.

The study is published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Source: health